How To Tag People on Facebook Status or Wall Posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012 | comments (107)

 Posted on 04. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook Basics, Facebook Trick
Yes, it is possible to ‘tag’ people people on Facebook. Like other features, you can tag your friends in your Facebook Status or Wall posts like you do in  your uploaded photos. This option provided by Facebook is much similar to Twitter tagging. This tagging option lets you tell people about whom you’re telling about. This not only gives your viewers’ a clear idea about whom you’re talking about but also leaves a URL, which is great.
In this Facebook Trick, you’ll get two simple but unavoidable  steps to tag people on Facebook.

facebook tagging
facebook tagging
Step#1: Mention ‘@’
While writing something in your status, mention ‘@’ sign which is to be followed by the name of the person whom you’re tagging. If the person whom you’re tagging has an active Facebook Account, then you can tag easily.
Step#2: Select the name from the drop-down menu.
When you type the ‘@’- sign, you should write the first one or two letters of the name of the person about whom you’re talking about. Then in a drop-down menu, you will see names from your friend list starting with that one or two letters. After you chose one, the profile name of the person with his FB profile link will appear in your status after that ‘@’ sign.
Bonus Tip: Yes, multi tagging is possible too.
Tags: facebook tag, facebook trick, tags

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How To Get More Comments In Your Facebook Pages – 5 Steps

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How To Get More Comments In Your Facebook Pages – 5 Steps Posted on 13. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook For Business, Facebook Trick

Creating a new Facebook Page and getting hits to the ‘like’ buttons is not what you need only. You need to pay a special attention on the participation from your fans. And getting comments is a major sign to measure participation. In this Facebook Trick, you’ll get some real techniques to get more comments in your Facebook Posts.

facebook pages comments facebook pages comments

1. Go beyond your business.

Just don’t be boring. Tell your fans who you are and why you’re the best producer in your industry. It’s really important to disclose to your fans what’s going on behind the scenes in your company.

2. Give some extra values

You post your product launches and their updates – Do it. But in addition to that, link to some news or funny stuffs in your industry. If you can master this technique you will evantually get more comments in your posts.

3. Run a contest

Running a small contest is a very good idea for getting quick fan involvements on Facebook. Offer T-Shirts or mugs with your logo as a gift for the winners. It’s not really that much hard as you may assume.

4. Share your birthday

Share your and your company’s birthday pics. It’s a nice way to gain some quick comments about the ‘cakes’ in your pictures!

5. Ask questions

If your niche is ‘Technology’, then you can ask in your comments, ‘What’s the father’s name of Steve Jobs?’ You will get the results in your comment box. It works really good.

So these are the five simple but effective Facebook Tricks to get more comments in your Facebook Posts. Please share below if you want to add some points with the techniques above.

Tags: facebook for business, facebook likes, facebook pages, facebook trick

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Download Facebook Messanger For Windows

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Download Facebook Messanger For Windows Posted on 09. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook News, Facebook Trick

Facebook has released its messanger for Windows. It has come out from its test mode. All the Facebook Users can download it. In this simple Facebook Trick, you will find the updated info about Facebook Messanger and the way to get it yourself.

facebook messanger facebook messanger

Go to this link – Facebook Messanger

You require a Windows 7 for this tool.

Install this free tool and you can chat with your Facebook Friends even without logging into Facebook. It’s really cool.

Now the conclusion

Give your feedback to Facebook by clicking the link ‘Give us Feedback‘

Please share below in the comment section what you think about this new chat feature.

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How To Scan Viruses In Your Facebook Profile

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How To Scan Viruses In Your Facebook Profile Posted on 03. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook Trick

It’s an important factor to check whether links of your Facebook Profile or News Bulletin contain any virus or not. This Facebook Trick will help you to scan your own profile and walls for viruses. By scanning through your profile, you can easily get notified about the presence of virus and you can remove the infected links.

Facebook Virus Facebook Virus - Image Credit

Let’s remove Facebook Virus in 3 Steps

Step#1- Click the link

This is a kind of anti-virus you’ll find as a Facebook App. Go through to this Anti-virus Facebook App and install it in your account.This app is released by Norton (Symantec.)

Facebook Virus

Step#2- Enable AutoScan

After installing the anti-virus, you’ll get an option as ‘AutoScan’. Click it and ensure your safety on Facebook! See the snapshot below-

Facebook VIrus Facebook Autoscan

 Step#3- Look after it

So you’ve installed it! From now onwards you’ll find red marks near the infected links and green marks near the good ones.

This was a easy Facebook Trick, please share below how you liked this tip or how you yourself manage to be safe on Facebook.

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How To Get A Username on Facebook

Friday, June 29, 2012 | comments

How To Get A Username on Facebook Posted on 27. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook Basics, Facebook Trick

Want to make Facebook more professional? Then, what you neeed to do is to secure your own Facebook Username. In this short Facebook Trick, you will get a clear idea how to get it. Your Facebook Username will give you an easy way to share your profile & pages offline. You can then use your Facebook URL in your visiting cards and so on.

Facebook Username Facebook Username

Image Credit

Firstly, go to

Secondly, Search for an Username. Use [dots] to get available usernames.

Thirdly, Do not forget! Once you select your username, you won’t be able to edit it later.

Fourthly, keep it in your mind – and share it everywhere.

So, that’s easy. Hope this Facebook Trick is helpful to you.

View the original article here

Create Your Own Facebook chat codes

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How to create Picture code for showing any Pictures in Facebook ChatBox?

Example ==========>>>>>>>>>>

Follow this Steps .:

1.  Go to

2. Click on "Browse" and select your picture.

3. Enter captcha code.

4. Click on "Upload Now"

5. Now they gives you code , just copy it and paste in FB Chat Box.

You can create thousands of Face Book chat codes instead of using usual codes!

Enjoy!! & Leave a comment..

How To Post A Video on Facebook :: With Image Snapshots

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How To Post A Video on Facebook :: With Image Snapshots Posted on 05. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook Basics, Facebook Trick

Want to share videos on Facebook? But don’t know how to do? You’re not alone then. Many people are often searching Google about the ways you may post a video on FB. In this simple Facebook Trick, you’ll get five working steps.

Image Credit | Share Videos on Facebook
Step # 1 – Go to Youtube

Search for a video and select it. If your selcted video is not located in YouTube, then go to step #3 though step#2 works for many websites as well.

Step # 2- Find the ‘share’ button

Click the share button and click the ‘f’ button which stands for Facebook.

Step # 3 – Other options

The video which you want to share must have a link. Try to find the specialized link of the video. If it’s not available, then copy the link you find in your browser’s URL bar, where you write to go to this social network.

Step # 4 – Go to your Status bar on Facebook

The bar where you write status, paste the link there. And you’ll find the video in a thumbnail image. You can then write why you shared the video to leave your touch with the video!

Step # 5 – Hit the ‘share’ button and that’s it!

Hit your share button to share it with your friends.

Remember, Video Sharing is a major activity on Facebook. That’s why you may share your favorite videos in Facebook. But never try to share those videos that is against Facebook’s Terms. If you do, you won’t be able to show any cause while your account will get banned by the authority.

Which is your next video, you want to share? Tell us about that, in our comment section below.

Tags: facebook trick, facebook tricks, Facebook Video Share

View the original article here

Facebook Trick 101 – 3 Facebook Tricks You Need To Know

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Posted on 08. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook Trick

Learning a new Facebook Trick is very important if you want to get the most out of Facebook. Perhaps you think yourself as a Facebook Master or so – but there might be something more than you’ve ever thought. With Facebook’s continuous updates (such as- Timeline, Status Updates etc.), you may miss something really cool there. Below there are three awesome Facebook Tricks that will make you rock. Yes, they are useful indeed.

Image Credit | Learn Facebook Tricks.

1. Do you know who unfriends you?

You get a notification each time you get a new friend but in Facebook there is no system of getting notifications while someone unfriends you from his/her friend list. You do not get notificaations – but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can never know who unfriended you. Here is a cool tool that will help you to know who actually is unfriending you on Facebook.

2. Get Notifications From Outside of Facebook

Are you regular on Facebook? Then it’s quite obvious that you get a huge amount of notifications on that website. But opening the browser repeatedly and checking your notifications is an annoying job for everyone. That’s why my suggestion for you would be to download this desktop tool and start getting notifications just from your Desktop!

3. Chat on Facebook right from your desktop

People who are mainly inquistive to chat on Facebook are lucky. From now onwards it’s not necessary for them to log in to Facebook to chat. Thanks to Digsby for gifting us such a nice chat tool. By using this tool, you can easily chat with your Facebook friends from your desktop as you do in Yahoo Messanger or GTalk.

These are the three Facebook Tricks, you should not miss. Please share below, if you know some tricks on Facebook or like to add some points with the above-mentioned tricks.

Tags: facebook trick, facebook tricks

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How To Change Facebook Login Background Screen – Step-by-Step

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How To Change Facebook Login Background Screen – Step-by-Step Posted on 11. Jan, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook Tips, Facebook Trick

In this new Facebook Trick, you will find the ways how to change Facebook Login Background Screen. Yes it’s a quick an easy tip for Facebook. As you change the background screen of your desktop, it can also be done easily on Facebook.

Facebook Login Background Facebook Login Background

1. Download this Google Chrome Extension

Go this link and download the Google Chrome Extension. This step is the beginning to all which should be followed in order to change your background screen in FB login page.

2. Go to the ‘options’ tab

Set the link or URL of your desired background page. You can also make it horizontal or vertical which should be in accordance with your need.

This is trick is embraced by many Google Chrome users who are frequent on Facebook. You can also use the method and share below (in the comment box) your feelings.

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Facebook vs Pinterest : We have a winner here!

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Posted on 11. May, 2012 by Facebook Trick Team in Facebook For Business, Facebook Tips, Facebook Trick
In this short Facebook Trick, you will see which one is better Facebook or Pinterest to promote your brand. While Facebook is now a grown-up and established social network, Pinterest is just on the way to accelerate its growth. Statistics say that most of the established brands have their Facebook Page and they use Facebook For Business. Perhaps, you also promote your business through the giant network. But won’t it be nice to check something new before there is a mess over there?

Facebook vs Pinterest : Who Is Ideal For Your Business?
Facebook wins in this regard as Pinterest users spend 65% less time on the site.

Conversion Rates
Facebook wins here as all the channels proved to have greater conversion rate compared to pinterest.

Bounce Rate of Your Website
Visitors from Pinterest spend very less time in the blogs and websites and thus increase the bounce rate of that website. So, Facebook traffic is much valuable in this regard.

Pinterest users spend $180 dollar on an average while Facebook users spend $85
According to our jusgement, it is more profitable to use Facebook for Business than Pinterest. But Pinterest, by the time, has managed to keep much influence in the Internet Lifestyle.

Facebook vs Pinterest infographic

Question to you
Which network you use to promote your business?
Tags: facebook, facebook for business, facebook tips, facebook trick, facebook tricks, facebook vs pinterest, pinterest, social media

View the original article here

Essential Facebook tips and tricks

| comments (15)

Almost half of all the sharing that happens online is done on Facebook. This in itself is testament enough that Facebook does the job of connecting people fairly well. However, there are some tips and tricks that can allow you to get more out of Facebook and this article contains a list of some of the best such Facebook tips.

Facebook Tricks
Stop Hackers on Facebook
Are you worried about hackers hacking your Facebook account and posting stuff you don't want them to? Just read the linked post to protect yourself from most basic hacks.

Change Facebook's Theme
Are you bored with the default blue colored Facebook theme and want to get rid of it? Go change it to something super cool in Firefox.

Minimalist Facebook Theme Tricks
Facebook Galaxy Theme
Post an Empty/ Blank Status
Are you tired of constantly thinking new and interesting status updates for your Facebook friends? Then, post an empty status and show your friends that you denounce the thinking that if your status isn't cool, you aren't either. Just go to Facebook, hold Alt and press 0, 1, 7 and 3 respectively and click Post. This will post the null character as your status which basically is an empty space. Laptop users can do this after activating the Number Lock.
Facebook Tricks, Tips, Hacks
This is how the empty status looks like.
Subscribe to the RSS feed of your Notifications 
Go to Facebook's notifications page and click on the RSS link to find the RSS feed containing all your recent notifications. You can then subscribe to this feed in any desktop based RSS reader to instantly know when a new notification occurs.

Change Facebook's Posted via text
Have you noticed that when you update your Facebook status from a mobile, Facebook adds a "Posted via Mobile" link at the bottom of it? You can change that to say hilarious things like "via Carrier Pigeon" or "via My Bedroom." To do this, just go to PostedVia, choose a delivery option and update your status or post to a friend's wall.
Facebook Tips and Tricks
 I posted this status from the unreleased iPhone 5 ;) 

Know when friends Unfriend you
Facebook notifies you when someone adds you as a friend but Facebook does not notify you when someone unfriends you. If you wish to access this data, you can use Social Fixer Facebook extension, which will not only allow you to do this but a lot more too.
Facebook Tricks Unfriends

Update Facebook Status from Firefox
FireStatus is a Firefox addon that allows you to instantly update your Facebook status without having the need to visit Facebook again and again.

Facebook Firefox

Use Dynamic Facebook Profile Links to Fool your Friends
This is a funny use of technology to have fun with your friends. Just say some mean things in your status and then include this link -> This may look like a link to a specific person's Facebook profile but in reality, it redirects users to their own profile. This happens because of the missing 'id' parameter. You can change the numbers to anything you like.

Facebook Tricks Search
Find Exactly What you are looking for on Facebook
If you ever had trouble finding a friend or a specific post by one of your friend, you should definitely take a look at the Facebook page on searching. It will help you to get acquainted not only with how Facebook search works but also enable you to get the most out of it.

Facebook Notifications Tricks
Access Facebook Chat on Your Desktop
Have you ever wanted to chat with your Facebook friends without opening a web browser? Desktop based applications like Digsby and ChitChat can allow you to stay connected with all your friends even when you close your web browser. This is much similar to chatting with Yahoo! Messenger or Google Talk chat client.


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Friday, June 22, 2012 | comments

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20 Cool Facebook Tips and Tricks !!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012 | comments (10)

facebook tips tricks 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know

If you surf Facebook on daily basis or occasionally, chances are you’re already familiar with regular stuffs like add/delete friends, update statuses, walls and profile, add and explore pages & applications, etc, but there’s more..
This week we want to cover some interesting things you can do on (or with) Facebook; inclusive of tricks that are not documented or unknown to many, as well as tips to stay connected better with your friends. Without further ado, here’s 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know. If you have interesting tips/tricks related to Facebook, please feel free to share in the comment box below.
  1. How To Place Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar

    If you are using Firefox, you can place the Facebook Chat at the sidebar.
    Facebook Chat Firefox Sidebar 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  2. How To Download Facebook Photo Albums

    FacePAD: Facebook Photo Album Downloader allows you to download your friends’ facebook albums, Events albums, and Group Albums, en masse, with the click of a button.
    facepad 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  3. How To Share Flickr Photos To Facebook

    Flickr2Facebook is an unofficial Flickr to Facebook uploader(bookmarklet) which allows you upload photos to Facebook from Flickr.
    flickr2facebook 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  4. How To Update Facebook Without Using Facebook

    hellotxt and both introduced features that let Facebook administrators update Facebook Pages.
    hellotxt 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  5. How To Schedule Facebook Messages

    Sendible lets you schedule Facebook messages ahead of time so you can send messages to your friends, customers or colleagues in the future.
    sendible 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  6. How To "Friend" Someone On Facebook & Hide It From Your Status Updates

    A short tutorial on Makeuseof to guide you how to hide Facebook status updates and keep that fact confined to your closer friends.
    hide status 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  7. How To Create A Photo Collage Using Pictures Of Your Facebook Friends

    Click on Friends tab. Proceed to More tab. From "Choose an option" dropdown, choose any of the dashes "" . Your Facebook friends collage is right on your computer screen.
    photo collage 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  8. How To Know When Facebook Friends Secretly Delete Or Block You

    This service has been discontinued. X-Friends is a unique tool for tracking friends that disappear from Facebook.
    X friends 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  9. How To Display Selected Pictures Only On Your Facebook Profile Page

    A little-known feature in Facebook that lets you decide who shows up in that Friends box. Click that "edit" pencil in your Friends box and type the names of your best friends in the box that says "Always show these friends"
    friend photos 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  10. How To Remove Facebook Advertisements

    This Greasemonkey script – Facebook: Cleaner removes many of the annoying ads and updates that unavoidably appear on your Facebook pages.
    ads 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  11. How To Syncs Photos Of Facebook Friends With Contacts In Microsoft Outlook

    OutSync is a free Windows application that syncs photos of your Facebook friends with matching contacts in Microsoft Outlook. It allows you to select which contacts are updated. So you can update all contacts at once or just a few at a time.
    outsync 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  12. How To Display Facebook Statuses On WordPress Blog

    The following method make use of Facebook status feed and WordPress RSS widget to display Facebook Statuses on WordPress blog.. It will also work for self-host WordPress blogs.
    statuses 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  13. How To Post Your Blog Posts To Your Facebook Wall Automatically

    Wordbook allows you to cross-post your blog posts to your Facebook Wall. Your Facebook “Boxes” tab will show your most recent blog posts.
    wordbook 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  14. How To Access Facebook Chat On Desktop

    Gabtastik and digsby let you keep Facebook chat sessions open on your Windows desktop outside of your regular web browser, using minimal screen real estate and system memory.
    gabtastik 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  15. How To Create Quiz On Facebook Easily

    LOLapps provides quiz creator that can be employed to conjure up these popular personality quizzes that are so widespread in Facebook.
    lolapps 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  16. How To Hide Your Online Status On Facebook Chat From Select Contacts

    Facebook has integrated friends list with Chat and you can also choose which of these list members get to see you online.
    hide 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  17. How To Get Facebook Updates On Email

    NutshellMail consolidates your Facebook accounts through the inbox you use the most.
    nutshellmail 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  18. How To Update Facebook Status From Firefox

    FireStatus is a status update utility for multiple social networks, including FaceBook.
    firestatus 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  19. How To Get Facebook On Your Desktop

    Seesmic DesktopFacebookerXobniFacebook Sidebar GadgetScrapboy and Facebook AIR application are desktop applications that allows you interact with your stream just as you would on Facebook, but without the browser.
    desktop apps 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know
  20. How To Delete, Cancel And Terminate Facebook Account And Profile

    A simple guide to terminate, delete or cancel Facebook account, together with the Facebook profile easily.
    terminate 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know

    Credits : Hongkiat

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