What are the next terms of this series?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | comments (38)

You have some term of a sequence and need more terms or a the general formula or the history about it. This is really useful if you are doing any online coding competitions such as Codejam , Topcorders  ...
 If you are participating in online coding competitions  or solving mathematical problems (Project Euler) involving sequences you may need this site. The site is
I found it useful when solving both online competitions as well as Project Euler problems. This can be used to generate more terms of a sequence which has few terms or the standard formula. It can also be used to generate audio files of the given sequence if you are analysing sound waves. Even though it says it is an Encyclopedia of Integers it can be used to other sequences as well. Use this link for more TIPS

Tips on making Prezi Presentation more interactive

| comments (2)

 If you are using Prezi to create presentation, here are some of the tips and tricks to improve and to extend the limitations.
I assume that you have used Prezi before and have created couple of presentation using Prezi. If you are new to Prezi or have not used before, refer to my previous post on Prezi.
I have been using Prezi to create no of presentations and found out different methods to address some of the limitations on Prezi. If you are new to Prezi, just create couple of presentations before you continue this tutorial. So here are some of the limitations i found on Prezi and how to work around them. 
When a picture are zoomed in, it flicker or disappear  
There are two approaches, the most intuitive approach is to have a high resolution picture. but if you have tried this, you may have found that it is not a good approach.
My suggestion is to make the picture a SWF and import it as a SWF. SWF stands for Shockwave Flash and you can simply export your photo or image using Adove Illustrator or any other leading photo editing softwares.
How to add animations 
Again there are two approaches, either you can use a import as a Video or you can import as a SWF. There are pros and cons to both of them. If you add a video, it will start playing when it got the focus and it will remain still when you are viewing the background but if you use a SWF, it will animate even in the background. Of cause you need one of the Adobe softwares to convert between them or you can use online converters available on the internet.
What will be shown on the screen when I project this? How far it will show? 
This is vary critical if you are planing paths in between frames. If you have done a presentation on Prezi and presented using a projector, you might have noticed that the exact screen you saw on the screen is not what you see on the projector. (Most of the time right and left edges are different). This makes a presentation poor as what you planed to show ahead will be shown in this frame.
This is mainly because of the resolution problem. Most of the Projectors works on 4:3 ratio and the laptops and desktops screen aspect ration will be different to each other.
To overcome this issue, You can use standard frames when building your presentation. You can simply press SHIFT key and draw the frame, and Prezi will make the frame in to the ratio 4:3. So what will be shown on the projector is everything you put in to this frame. Most of the times, when you view this in your laptop it may show some excess things on top and bottom of the frames, but believe me it will not be shown on the projector. The other approach is simply to change the resolution of the laptop to 4:3 ratio resolution. This will make life more easier as what you see on the screen is exactly what you see in the Projector. Suggested resolution schemes is 1024x768.
When i focus on images, and text it will zoom more or does not zoom to the required level
This is where the frames comes in to play. I strongly recommend not to focus in to pictures or images. The best practice is to add a frame and focus on the frame, It makes more flexible and you easily change focus of different elements. Common practice is to build the story board and add frames accordingly. This will make sure every frame is on top of the story board and makes it more easy to manage.
How to rotate the camera?
This is a simple task. Add a frame and rotate it to the angle you want. Then add a path to it. Prezi will automatically rotate the camara and focus the frame up right in the meantime giving a nice spin effect. Beware: Do not spin so many times as it make distract the audience.
How to remove the Prezi logo on the bottom of the screen?
Prezi removes this logo or you can replace it with your own logo when you have a professional version. But if your are a student of a reputed University, you can ask for a Prezi EDU account which will allow you to remove this logo. All you need to do is sign up using the institutional email address with Prezi. I use my University of Moratuwa email to get away with this.
Can I use custom colours on my presentations?
Of cause you can use custom colours on the presentation. But you need to create a theme first. But using the new Prezi CSS editor, you can easily edit CSS of the presentation, which makes it more flexible to an advanced user.
Can I use Prezi on Powerpoint?
You can integrate both Powerpoint and Prezi. I will discuss this in a separate post
When I add a video, it will crop. Can I avoid this?
This is one of the critical problems I found on Prezi. There are couple of ways to work around but it may take considerable amount of time to archive this. One way is to change the background to suite the player. You can use background on the video. The second method makes it more attractive but you need a good knowledge in video editing to exactly match the background to the video itself.
Update - Prezi has added a lots of new features You can check them out from http://prezi.com/learn/new-features/
Here is a nice presentation I found on the internet, created by an intern in Prezi. There are no of suggestion to improve your presentation overall. I hope you enjoyed reading my article and if you have any questions regarding Prezi, add a comment and I will try my best to answer it.

How to hide, lock, invincible your files, folders or harddisks

Monday, November 28, 2011 | comments (1)

Everyone has certain files that s/he would rather keep private, especially guys. One of the ways to do that is to make such files hidden and bury them deep in the system files. The problem with such approach is that it’s not really convenient if you need to access those files on a regular basis.
So if you’re interested in something more convenient, here are some of the ways to keep “important” files or drives invisible hidden or locked.

1. Click “Start”, “Run,” and then type cmd. When the command prompt opens type “CD C:Test” (replace “Test” with the name of the folder you want to hide.)2. Now type “attrib file +s +h” and replace “file” with the name of the actual file name you would like to hide.3. Now, go back to C:Test and look for your file or folder, it’s not there! You cannot find it through simply browsing around, through the command prompt, or even if you click “Show Hidden Files and Folders”.4. To find the folder and its contents again simply go back to the command prompt, type “CD C:Test” (of course, again replacing “Test” with the name of the folder,) and then type “attrib filename -s -h”. You should now be able to find your file again!Method 2
This works both on Windows XP and Vista, not sure about other Win versions. What this will do is make selected folder invisble, not hidden. The folder will be only visible when you try to highlight it (see below). If you want to make sure that no one discovers it by chance then also move it to the corner of the screen.
Create a new folder.Rename: Highlight the folder and Click ‘F2' button. Hold the ‘Alt’ key and type in 0160 (you won’t see those 0160 numbers while typing them). Press Enter. Note, you have to use the numpad to enter these numbers.Change icon: Righ click the folder >> Properties >> Customize >> Change the icon >> Select the blank one >> Ok.
Method 3 (this is where it starts to get slightly more difficult)This method, unlike the previous one, hides an entire drive instead of individual files or folders:(Before you ever use the registry I HIGHLY RECOMMEND backing up your registry with a tool similar to Registry Tool or CCleaner. You may as well use a manual method similar to this.)1. Go to “Start,” “Run,” and type regedit.2. When the registry editor loads, navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
PoliciesExplorer3. Right click on “Explorer” and select “New” and “DWORD Value.”4. Name the value NoDrives and select “Decimal” as the base.5. In the value type the number that corresponds with the drive below:(E.g. If you would like to hide drive E, type 16. You may also hide multiple drives by adding the two numbers. E.g. If you would like to hide drives E and G, 16+64=80.)6. Now, after you restart your computer, you should not be able to see the drive.1. Create a folder in a drive for easy access, e.g. C:. (Name it something related to the Control Panel, e.g. Users.)2. Create a new file in Notepad and copy and paste the following into it:ren Users Users.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}3. Replace “Users” with the name of the folder you created and save the file as loc.bat.(You should now be able to see your folder and the loc.bat file, with the loc.bat in the same directory as the folder Not in it.)4. Now, right-click and create another text file. Copy and Paste the following into it:ren Users.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Users
(Make sure to replace the word “Users” with the name of your folder.)6. Now you should see the loc.bat and the key.bat files in the same directory as the folder you created.7. Now, all you need to do is double-click on the loc.bat file and the folder should have an icon that looks like the control panel. If you click on the folder it should redirect you to the Control Panel and thus you have locked the folder.8. Of course, to unlock it, simply double-click on the key.bat file and the folder should turn back into the folder you first created.

Temporary Mail

| comments (1)

Ever wanted a quick, easily setup e-mail account when you suffer internet, when you register for services and still remaining your email account secure and avoid spamming from those sites? Then you are in need of a temporary or a disposable mail account.
There are two types of temporary mail accounts1.       Expires over time – you are given some time to use it and the inbox will be cleared after that time period.2.       Remains over time – all the mail to this accounts are remain irrespective of the time. ·         Use to log in to forums, decision groups, chat rooms and play around easily·         Some information on forums are hidden and only be seen to members. ·         Can be used as a secondary mail and even forward them to your mail. Well following listed are some of the first page hits I got from a simple Google search. There are thousands of free temporary mail providers on the internet. Just stick to a few so that you know how to get it done easily. These are the ones I use. All of them support reply, forward, and send message as the new mail account.You only need to enter the username and you will be taken to your mailbox. But use with caution. If anybody who know you email address can access to it. If you need a mail account not to be reset. This is a good choice.As the name implies it only available for 10 minutes. You can extend if you want. One advantage is that your are at the inbox of your gven a mail account as you enter the site. So no need to enter a user id.  Just copy it and you can use it.This can you used to forward mail from your new account to a account you specified for a given time period.

Google as a Hacking Tool

| comments

Everyday you use Google for searches but will you use it for hacking?

A Search Engine will continuously try to list almost all the websites available on the internet to make compete with other search engines.  In this process they also list vulnerabilities or simply speaking common mistakes/threats also. As we all know Google is one of the best search engine available. Here is some of the searches you can use to find exploits on Google.
Before continuing I have to say since this method is pretty popular most of the sites use honey pots(they pretend like a vulnerability but it is just to make u believe that they have a vulnerability). So BEWARE!!Just kidding
Enough of talking. Lets see some examples.

SSH logs on putty log files
Shell command logs.
Ok, this file contains what a user typed at a shell command prompt. You shouldn’t advertise this file. You shouldn’t flash it to a web crawler. It contains COMMANDS and USERNAMES and stuff… *sigh* Sometimes there aren’t words to describe how lame people can be. This particular theme can be carried further to find all sorts of things along these lines like .profile, .login, .logout files, etc. I just got bored with all the combinations…
SQL history
The .mysql_history file contains commands that were performed against a mysql database. A “history” of said commands. First, you shouldn’t show this file to anyone, especially not a MAJOR SEARCH ENGINE! Secondly, I sure hope you wouldn’t type anything sensitive while interacting with your databases, like oh say USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS…
Get ETC passwords
There’s nothing that defines a googleDork more than getting your PASSWORDS grabbed by Google for the world to see. Truly the epitome of a googleDork. And what if the passwords are hashed? A password cracker can eat cheesy password hashes faster than Elvis eatin’ jelly doughnuts. Bravo googleDorks! Good show!
Filezilla Passwords
filezilla.xml contains Sites,Logins and cryptic Passwords of ftp connections made with the open source programme filezilla.
Rapid share Passwords
Rapidshare login passwords.
Password XML
This returns xls files containing login names and passwords. it works by showing all the xls files with password:(something)so a downside is that u do get stuff like “password protected”, “password services” etc. (and the same for login)But…most of the decent ones have the login and password in the text given to you by google, so its easy to seperate the useful ones from the others. There are so many searches you can run on Google to find exploits. I will add them accordingly so stay tuned.Winking smile
Finally I am not taking any responsibility on any of the things you may do or you try to do using this information. Open-mouthed smile

Create Stunning Presentations

Saturday, November 26, 2011 | comments

Would you like to do stunning presentation? Leave the old transition based Power Point presentations. It is time to switch to storytelling presentation. It is all about the new era of presentation. “Prezi” ,  a Flash based online Presenting / Story Telling application.

This is the coolest presentation tool I have ever used and yet it is free of charge too. Here is the official intro  on Prezi. It would not take more than 1 min to watch it but I will guarantee you that it will save more than thousands of your boring presentation seconds. Working with Prezi is easy just go to Prezi and create a account and start building prezi. Be sure to visit their showcase to see what are the potentials and some useful template you can use to your presentation.

Temporarily disable Flash Debugger Errors

| comments (2)

Annoyed with the flash debugging errors comes up when you are browsing?Why do i keep getting a flash error in win 7? Want to temporary disable them? It is just a line you need to add to the configuration file.
These errors are showing because you have installed a flash player debugger version instead of the normal flash player. You can check your current player version from Adobe.

The easiest way to not get these error dialogues at all is to install the normal "release" version of the player. If you never debug SWFs in the browser, you can install the plugin/AX control there and not have to worry about it again, though this can be inconvenient if you do actually debug in the browser (which is more than likely the case for Flex users).
Once I was looking for this. I did not find a better tutorial on the internet. I found out the answer after reading several forums. So here is how you can do it.
Locate the configuration file of your adobe flash debugger. Check the path from the below table and the file name is mm.cfg Operating systemCreate file in ???/Library/Application Support/Macromedia C:\Documents and Settings\username
Open the configuration file in notepad and add the following line
Restart the browserRemember to restore those lines when you are debugging. :D Cheers!!

How to enable designer view in PHPMyAdmin

Friday, November 25, 2011 | comments (67)

Want to create relations between tables using a drag and drop GUI on PHPMyAdmin ?
This is a tutorial on how to enable designer view in PHPMyAdmin to easily manage tables and relations in between them. 
I assume you are familiar with PHPMyAdmin, GUI and already installed it on your machine. First check whether you have already enabled the designer view before going into any of the configurations.
Go to PHPMyAdmin and select a database (not a table). It should be something like below if you have designer view enabled. I am repeating again DO NOT select any tables.

If you can not see a tab called a "Designer". You need to configure PHPMyAdmin to enable it. Open config file of your PHPMyAdmin. If you use WAMP, XAMPP or LAMP or similar distribution the config file is at
path to the distribution\phpMyAdmin\libraries\config.default.php
Edit the config file and change the following fields as shown bellow.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = 'phpmyadmin';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = 'pma_bookmark';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = 'pma_relation';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = 'pma_table_info';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = 'pma_table_coords';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = 'pma_pdf_pages';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = 'pma_column_info';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = 'pma_history';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['designer_coords'] = 'pma_designer_coords';
Create a database on phpMyAdmin named “phpmyadmin” without quotes and execute the following sql code.
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- SQL Commands to set up the pmadb as described in Documentation.html.
-- Instead, please run create_tables_mysql_4_1_2+.sql.
-- This script expects the user pma to already be existing. If we would put a
-- line here to create him too many users might just use this script and end
-- up with having the same password for the controluser.
-- This user "pma" must be defined in config.inc.php (controluser/controlpass)                        
-- Please don't forget to set up the tablenames in config.inc.php                                
-- $Id: create_tables.sql 10257 2007-04-07 14:40:24Z lem9 $
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Database : `phpmyadmin`
CREATE DATABASE `phpmyadmin`;
USE phpmyadmin;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Privileges
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_bookmark`
CREATE TABLE `pma_bookmark` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`dbase` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`user` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`label` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`query` text NOT NULL,
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Bookmarks';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_column_info`
CREATE TABLE `pma_column_info` (
`id` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`column_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`comment` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`mimetype` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`transformation` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`transformation_options` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
UNIQUE KEY `db_name` (`db_name`,`table_name`,`column_name`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Column information for phpMyAdmin';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_history`
CREATE TABLE `pma_history` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`timevalue` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
`sqlquery` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
KEY `username` (`username`,`db`,`table`,`timevalue`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='SQL history for phpMyAdmin';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_pdf_pages`
CREATE TABLE `pma_pdf_pages` (
`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`page_nr` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`page_descr` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY  (`page_nr`),
KEY `db_name` (`db_name`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='PDF relation pages for phpMyAdmin';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_relation`
CREATE TABLE `pma_relation` (
`master_db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`master_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`master_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`foreign_db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`foreign_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`foreign_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY  (`master_db`,`master_table`,`master_field`),
KEY `foreign_field` (`foreign_db`,`foreign_table`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Relation table';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_table_coords`
CREATE TABLE `pma_table_coords` (
`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`pdf_page_number` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`x` float unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`y` float unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`db_name`,`table_name`,`pdf_page_number`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Table coordinates for phpMyAdmin PDF output';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_table_info`
CREATE TABLE `pma_table_info` (
`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`display_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY  (`db_name`,`table_name`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Table information for phpMyAdmin';
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `pma_designer_coords`
CREATE TABLE `pma_designer_coords` (
`db_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`table_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`x` INT(11) default NULL,
`y` INT(11) default NULL,
`v` TINYINT(4) default NULL,
`h` TINYINT(4) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`db_name`,`table_name`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Table coordinates for Designer'
That it Now you can access the designer tab on PHPMyAdmin. For more details refer

Create Windows Desktop Shortcuts easily with Handy Shortcuts

| comments (27)

Like to have shortcuts useful application on your desktop? Shortcut to Shut-down, Hibernate ...
Handy Shortcuts is a free portable app for Windows 7 and Windows Vista that can add up to 20 different Windows functions as shortcuts to your desktop. Simply download and run the executable file, then click > Create next to the Windows functions you wish to see as shortcuts on your desktop.
My favorite three shortcuts are:
Shutdown WindowsAdd and Remove ProgramSafely Remove HardwareOf cause you can add them using the a normal shortcut with the path to those applications if you are advanced user. But this will make your life easier.
Handy Shortcuts has been created by Ritesh Kawadkar for The Windows Club, and has been tested on Windows 7 & Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit. 

Custom Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

| comments (25)

 A quick tutorial you can use to add custom shotcuts to applications and actions you prefer. This is another step of making you a Keyboard Ninja. 

If you are interested in normal windows key strokes, you may want to look at my earlier post Windows Shortcut Keys. This is a quick tutorial on a application you can use to assign new keyboard shortcuts. The application is named "WinHotKey". You can download it from directedge.us.
WinHotKey allows you to assign "hot keys" that do various things. Actions that can be done with a hotkey are:
Launch a ProgramOpen a documentOpen a folderAutomatically type somethingControl other windows on the screen

Keep Google From Tracking Your Every Move Online

Thursday, November 24, 2011 | comments (10)

Google offers many helpful web tools that make our lives easier, but it also collects an enormous amount of data about its users. Here’s how you can opt-out of some automatic data collection and preserve a bit more privacy.

Privacy has been a big issue online lately, and many people have been trying to cut back on the amount of information they share about themselves online.  But 2 popular Google services, Analytics and AdSense, both collect data about you from many sites you visit across the internet.  With these quick tricks, though, you can opt-out of some of Google’s data collection.
Opt out of Google Analytics Tracking
Google Analytics is a popular service that web publishers use to find out information about the visitors to their site and their number of page views over time.  This information can be very helpful for optimizing websites.  However, it does mean that Google is collecting information about your visits to many sites across the web.
If you’d like to opt-out of this data collection, Google has a simple browser add-in you can install to prevent Analytics from collecting information about your visit.  Head over to the Google Analytics Opt-out site (link below), and click the Get Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on button.  The site will detect the browser you’re using, and offer you the correct add-on.

Visit the site in your favorite browser, and follow the steps below to install on each browser
Google Chrome
When you click the button above in Google Chrome, it will redirect you to the addon’s page in the Extension directory.  Click Install.

Now click Install again in the popup to verify that you want to install the extension.  Now your browser will not send any information to Google Analytics.

By default, extensions do not run when you’re using Google Chrome in Incognito mode.   You’d likely want to keep Analytics from tracking your private browsing, too, so open the Extensions page in Chrome and check the Allow this extension to run in incognito box.

Internet Explorer
When you click the button to install the add-on in Internet Explorer, you’ll be asked to accept a license agreement.  Click Accept and Install.

The add-on will then automatically download and install.  If you’re using Vista or Windows 7, you may have to approve a UAC prompt to complete the installation.  Then click Restart Browser Now to run the add-on and keep your data away from Google Analytics.

Unfortunately, the Internet Explorer add-on installs as a normal Windows application.  If you choose to remove it in the future, open Control Panel, select Uninstall a Program, and then select the Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to uninstall it.

You’ll see a similar license agreement when installing the Add-on in Firefox as you do in Internet Explorer.  Click Accept and Install.  Firefox may warn you that it blocked a site from installing software on your computer; click Allow to let it install.

Click Install Now in the popup window to confirm that you want to install it.

Once the extension is downloaded and installed, restart Firefox as usual for it to take effect.

Opt out of Personalized AdSense Ads
Google’s AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks on the internet.  It appears on Google services, such as Search and Gmail, but is also commonly used on many sites across the net.  AdSense ads are generally based on the content of the page you’re reading, but they will also personalize to your interests that Google learns from the sites you visit over time.
If you’d like to opt-out of this personalization, visit the Google Ads Preference Manager (link below).  Here you’ll see a list of your interests that Google has stored in cookies on your computer.  You can click the Remove link beside any of them to remove that category from your personalization.

Or, you can simply opt-out of personalized ads by clicking the Opt out button near the bottom of the page.  This will disable the tracking cookie, and now your ads will either be purely random or based only on the content of the page you’re visiting.

Please note that this setting is actually stored in a cookie, so if you delete your cookies you’ll actually need to go back and opt out again.  Also, if you use multiple browsers, you’ll need to opt out in each browser you use.
With these two simple tricks, you can reduce the amount of information that you automatically give Google every day.  If you are a tin foil hat type, this may make you feel more secure online.
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on
Opt out of Personalized Ads with Google Ads Preference Manager
Please note this is directly taken from a How to Geek tutorial and I though it would be useful sharing

One nick name for all the social networks

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 | comments (15)


If you can have one nick name in the virtual world you can easily brand your self. But how to find such a nick name? How can I know my screen name is available in other networks?
This is a simple tool you can use to find the networks your nick name is used. Simply enter your nick name and it will find you the social networks which already have that nick name and the networks that does not. You can pick different names and compare statistics to decide the nick name you choose.
The site is 

Secure your Facebook Account

| comments (12)

Like to see who is using your facebook account now or recently? Add a sms or email alert when someone access your facebook account?. Use these advanced features to protect your Facebook account from unauthorized access.
Following are basic methods you can use to secure your facebook accountUse this option when you access public wifi access points. This is listed under Account Settings Page under security section.You will be notified when ever an unlisted machine access your facebook account via sms or email (on your preference). This setting is also listed under Account Settings Page security section.You can see all the active sessions you have along with the location under Account Settings Page security section. End all the unwanted session listed there.If you have an facebook alerts enabled phone you can type “otp” and send it to 32665(FBOOK). This will reply you with a onetime use password you can use to log in when you use public machines or public wifi access points.

Crafting Winning Solutions

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 | comments (3)

image A good way to get a competitive edge is to write down a game plan for what you're going to do in a contest round. This will help you script out your actions, in terms of what to do both when things go right and when things go wrong.
This way you can spend your thinking time in the round figuring out programming problems and not trying to figure out what the heck you should do next... it's sort of like precomputing your reactions to most situations.
Mental preparation is also important.
Read through ALL the problems FIRST; sketch notes with algorithm, complexity, the numbers, data structs, tricky details, ...
Brainstorm many possible algorithms - then pick the stupidest that works! DO THE MATH! (space & time complexity, and plug in actual expected and worst case numbers) Try to break the algorithm - use special (degenerate?) test cases Order the problems: shortest job first, in terms of your effort (shortest to longest: done it before, easy, unfamiliar, hard) Coding a problem - For each, one at a time:
Finalize algorithm Create test data for tricky cases Write data structures Code the input routine and test it (write extra output routines to show data?) Code the output routine and test it Stepwise refinement: write comments outlining the program logic Fill in code and debug one section at a timeGet it working & verify correctness (use trivial test cases) Try to break the code - use special cases for code correctness Optimize progressively - only as much as needed, and keep all versions (use hard test cases to figure out actual runtime) Have a plan for what to do when various (foreseeable!) things go wrong; imagine problems you might have and figure out how you want to react. The central question is: "When do you spend more time debugging a program, and when do you cut your losses and move on?". Consider these issues:
How long have you spent debugging it already? What type of bug do you seem to have? Is your algorithm wrong? Do you data structures need to be changed? Do you have any clue about what's going wrong? A short amount (20 mins) of debugging is better than switching to anything else; but you might be able to solve another from scratch in 45 mins. When do you go back to a problem you've abandoned previously? When do you spend more time optimizing a program, and when do you switch? Consider from here out - forget prior effort, focus on the future: how can you get the most points in the next hour with what you have? Have a checklist to use before turning in your solutions:
Code freeze five minutes before end of contest?
Turn asserts off. Turn off debugging output. Brute force it when you can KISS: Simple is smart! Hint: focus on limits (specified in problem statement) Waste memory when it makes your life easier (if you can get away with it) Don't delete your extra debugging output, comment it out Optimize progressively, and only as much as needed Keep all working versions! Code to debug: whitespace is good, use meaningful variable names, don't reuse variables, stepwise refinement, COMMENT BEFORE CODE. Avoid pointers if you can Avoid dynamic memory like the plague: statically allocate everything. Try not to use floating point; if you have to, put tolerances in everywhere (never test equality) Comments on comments: Not long prose, just brief notes Explain high-level functionality: ++i; /* increase the value of i by */ is worse than useless Explain code trickery Delimit & document functional sections As if to someone intelligent who knows the problem, but not the code Anything you had to think about Anything you looked at even once saying, "now what does that do again?" Always comment order of array indices Keep a log of your performance in each contest: successes, mistakes, and what you could have done better; use this to rewrite and improve your game plan! The fundamental basis of complexity analysis revolves around the notion of ``big oh'' notation, for instance: O(N). This means that the algorithm's execution speed or memory usage will double when the problem size doubles. An algorithm of O(N 2) will run about four times slower (or use 4x more space) when the problem size doubles. Constant-time or space algorithms are denoted O(1). This concept applies to time and space both; here we will concentrate discussion on time.
One deduces the O() run time of a program by examining its loops. The most nested (and hence slowest) loop dominates the run time and is the only one mentioned when discussing O() notation. A program with a single loop and a nested loop (presumably loops that execute N times each) is O(N 2), even though there is also a O(N) loop present.
Of course, recursion also counts as a loop and recursive programs can have orders like O(b N), O(N!), or even O(N N).
When analyzing an algorithm to figure out how long it might run for a given dataset, the first rule of thumb is: modern (2004) computers can deal with 100M actions per second. In a five second time limit program, about 500M actions can be handled. Really well optimized programs might be able to double or even quadruple that number. Challenging algorithms might only be able to handle half that much. Current contests usually have a time limit of 1 second for large datasets. 16MB maximum memory use 210 ~approx~ 10 3 If you have k nested loops running about N iterations each, the program has O(N k) complexity. If your program is recursive with b recursive calls per level and has l levels, the program O(b l) complexity. Bear in mind that there are N! permutations and 2 n subsets or combinations of N elements when dealing with those kinds of algorithms. The best times for sorting N elements are O(N log N). DO THE MATH! Plug in the numbers. A single loop with N iterations is O(N):
1  sum = 0
2  for i = 1 to n
3    sum = sum + i
A double nested loop is often O(N 2):
# fill array a with N elements
1 for i = 1 to n-1
2   for j = i + 1 to n
3     if (a[i] > a[j])
swap (a[i], a[j])
Note that even though this loop executes N x (N+1) / 2 iterations of the if statement, it is O(N 2) since doubling N quadruples the execution times.
Consider this well balanced binary tree with four levels:
An algorithm that traverses a general binary tree will have complexity O(2 N).
Programs that generate lots of possible answers and then choose the ones that are correct (imagine an 8-queen solver) are filters. Those that hone in exactly on the correct answer without any false starts are generators. Generally, filters are easier (faster) to code and run slower. Do the math to see if a filter is good enough or if you need to try and create a generator.
Sometimes it is helpful to generate tables or other data structures that enable the fastest possible lookup of a result. This is called precomputation (in which one trades space for time). One might either compile precomputed data into a program, calculate it when the program starts, or just remember results as you compute them. A program that must translate letters from upper to lower case when they are in upper case can do a very fast table lookup that requires no conditionals, for example. Contest problems often use prime numbers - many times it is practical to generate a long list of primes for use elsewhere in a program.
While there are fewer than 20 basic algorithms used in contest problems, the challenge of combination problems that require a combination of two algorithms for solution is daunting. Try to separate the cues from different parts of the problem so that you can combine one algorithm with a loop or with another algorithm to solve different parts of the problem independently. Note that sometimes you can use the same algorithm twice on different (independent!) parts of your data to significantly improve your running time.
Many problems have symmetries (e.g., distance between a pair of points is often the same either way you traverse the points). Symmetries can be 2-way, 4-way, 8-way, and more. Try to exploit symmetries to reduce execution time.
For instance, with 4-way symmetry, you solve only one fourth of the problem and then write down the four solutions that share symmetry with the single answer (look out for self-symmetric solutions which should only be output once or twice, of course).
Surprisingly, many contest problems work far better when solved backwards than when using a frontal attack. Be on the lookout for processing data in reverse order or building an attack that looks at the data in some order or fashion other than the obvious.
Some problems can be rephrased into a somewhat different problem such that if you solve the new problem, you either already have or can easily find the solution to the original one; of course, you should solve the easier of the two only. Alternatively, like induction, for some problems one can make a small change to the solution of a slightly smaller problem to find the full answer.
This post is take from USACO website. Original article can be found here

How to use a Proxy

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Ever wanted to anonymously browse web, browse as you are in another country, watch TV series and Movies as they are telecasted , Get visitors for your blog around the world?
According to Wikipedia proxy is a computer network service that allows clients to make indirect network connections to other network services. When you open a web site it will get your IP address from which they can identify the country you are connecting from. Using a proxy you can change the country you are connecting from. ·         Access any restricted sites·         Watch TV series and movies available free on other countries (Some countries like USA, UK allow all their TV channels to be viewed online free for all the USA citizens.)·         Play with low pings on the game servers which are not in your country.·         Hide your identity from the site records·         Hide your identity from the network (Network administrator will not be able to track the pages you visit since you are using a tunnel to browse)·         Hide records on the machine (You can encode the web address and the other will not be able to understand them)·         To keep machines behind it anonymous (mainly for security)·         To speed up access to resources (using caching). Web proxies are commonly used to cache web pages from a web server. ·         To apply access policy to network services or content, e.g. to block undesired sites.·         To log / audit usage, i.e. to provide company employee Internet usage reporting.·         To bypass security/ parental controls.·         To scan transmitted content for malware before delivery.·         To scan outbound content, e.g., for data leak protection.·         To circumvent regional restrictions.Since we are connecting through another site, your security is not assured. These site may have system to record your details and it is recommended not use any login information on a site you accessed through a proxy!!This is mainly used to access web sites. You simply need to enter the web address on those sites and you will be taken in to that using through another site. This is a good solution if you only want to browse web using a proxy. Some proxy sites only allow html to be bypassed. So you videos and flash content will not be visible on the page. However there are some good proxies which allow all the content. You can find so many web proxies listing on the internet. Just search for Proxy on the internet. (Google search for web Proxies).This is the other option you can use. This will bypass all the network connection on the machine thorough a proxy. If you are have Windows Media Center or HULU desktop you can use this option to watch TV series online free. This is little complicated and the step you need to follow are below on the tutorial. There are 3 types of System proxies§  Transparent Proxy – IP address can be caught, such proxies usually used to increase internet speed and decrease amount of abroad traffic (some internet providers grant their user free local traffic).        Browse restricted sites you does not care about sharing your identity        Watch TV series. (This is a speed connection and will allows fast streaming but some sites identify this. Then use a anonymous proxy.) §  Anonymous Proxy – IP address can not be caught by server but server knows that proxy was used during connection. It is very useful to be anonymous surfing in internet .        Watch TV series if above fails §  Elite Proxy – IP address as well as fact that proxy was used during connection can not be caught by server. Best way to hide any information about you presence in internet.1.       Find a proxy server. It will be in the format of In that IP address is the proxy and the 8080 is the port. (You can find proxy IP address on some sites. Use one of the following options. Google search for proxy. Proxy List.)2.       If you use windows machine, open internet explorer. Go to Tools-> Internet Options. You can go there using the control panel as well.3.       Go to Connections tab and click on the LAN settings button. On the new window tick on the last tick box and enter the proxy.4.       Click OK and Apply the settings and click OK on the parent window.·         When you set up the system proxy, you can browse web using IE or Chrome or any other software. (except firefox. If you want to use firefox go to its settings (Tools->Options) open Network Tab click Settings Button-> Select Use system proxy settings)·         Some proxies listed may not available all the time. If not try a new proxy.

Add Facebook Like to your Blog

| comments (8)

Using new Facebook social plug-ins your can add a unique like button to every post on your blog. This is a tutorial on how to add it to blogger and wordpress users and the html codes to other users as well.
Since I update my blog with Facebook like button, some of my friends asked how to add that like button to the blog. So this is how you can add like button to your blog.
This tutorial is for blogger users. If you are a wordpress user you can try this blog.
1.       First log in to blogger account and go to Design tab. Then click Edit HTML and tick on the Expand Widget Templates. It should look like below.2.       Then search for the below on that code window.Hint – You can just press ctrl+f and type the above. Browser will take you to that line immediately.
3.       Add this code segment immediately after that line.

Save and Retrieve Multiple Tabs on Browsers

Monday, November 21, 2011 | comments (1)

 Do you have a web browsing procedure? Sites that you visit everyday like facebook, gmail? Want to open them on different tabs every time you start your browser?  Or a list of sites you want to start at once?
This short tutorial will show you how to save and retrieve multiple tabs on you browser. This is really a useful feature. You might look for some details and you want to retrieve those tabs later you want them. This works irrespective of the browser you use.
Save Tabs 
Open the tabs you want and right click them and click Bookmark All Tabs. It will be saved on your bookmarks. You can add new bookmarks to that group as well.To retrieve just right click on the group and select Open All Tabs.
Save as Homepage
If you want a set of home pages to be open when the browser runs instead of the classical homepage, just add the list of URLs separated by a "|" or "%7C"

Watch 3D without Glasses

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3D is the new technology of the video. But they require you to wear expensive glasses to view them. Would you like to view 3D videos without glasses?As the topic suggest you do need to have 3D glasses to view 3D. So what do you need? Actually you don’t need anything except a colour display. :PBefore we continue here is a brief introduction to what we are doing. Strongly suggest you to read before you continue.
3D photography and videos also known as Stereo videos and photographs require two pictures, one for each eye. As the way you see real world objects. When you see real world objects you see the same image from both eyes but slightly different in angle due to difference in between eyes.As normal visual, in this 3D vision, the pictures must be presented to your eyes so that each eye sees only the picture intended for it. Generally two methods are used: Both methods require one to learn a new visual skill.Normally when we look at the "real" world, our eyes converge on an object in the scene and they also focus on that same object. We habitually do this, and our brains have become accustomed to a one-to-one correspondence between focus and convergence.We can learn to "unlock" focus and convergence, enabling us to view stereo pairs without optical aid. In this tutorial we use a display method which can be adapted to either parallel-eye viewing or crossed-eye viewing. Three pictures will be shown side by side. The middle one is to be viewed with the right eye. The other two are identical and one is to be viewed with the left eye. Here's how to view them.(1) Parallel viewing. This is sometimes called wall-eyed viewing. Use the left and middle pictures only. Look at a distant object then bring your eyes down to the paper trying not to converge or focus on the paper. You'll see a blurred double image. Consciously try to bring the double image into one. Now try to focus your eyes on it without allowing the two images to drift apart.Parallel viewing is limited to pictures about 2.5 inches wide, the spacing of the typical human eye (which averages 65 mm).(2) Cross eyed viewing. Use the right and middle pictures only. Hold your finger exactly halfway between your eyes and the page. Focus on your finger. Your eyes will be converged on the finger also, and you should be conscious of the two pictures out of focus behind your finger, but probably nearly coincident. Move your finger a bit until the two pictures are fully coincident. Now hold that convergence while refocusing from your finger to the page. Finally, you can remove your finger from the field of view.Crossed eyed viewing can be used with even larger pictures. Paintings have been presented this way. Salvadore Dali painted some of this kind. For those who can learn the skill of viewing, this is one of the most effective ways for viewing stereo without special glasses. (2) Mirror method. For completeness, we illustrate a method rarely used in printed books. Popular Photography magazine experimented with it for a while. One picture of the pair is printed normally, ad the other is printed beside it, but reversed left/right. That picture is viewed through a mirror which re-inverts it. We will not use that method here.  You can use the above techniques to view the below image
After all those stuff it is time to move into an actual image and feel the 3D. Below are some of the pictures I got from the internet. You can view them in 3D using cross eye technique.

You can find galleries of 3D images at You can find thousands of other sites where you can view 3D image gallery.When moving on to video, it is very tricky. But the methodology is the same. You can view them on all the techniques mentioned above. Youtube recently launched an their 3D videos and users can upload their 3D videos to youtube now. But before we watch them here is a video uploaded before youtube launched 3D.
It is time to switch to 3D mode in youtube. It is just 2 simple steps·         First go to Select 3D Mode on youtube. And select “View video with no 3D device”·         You are ready to view 3D. Try one of the following videos. (You will notice there is a new menu before the resolution menu on youtube lower panel when you are watching a 3D video)Here is a 3D video channel. You can search for more on youtube

Sticky Notes

| comments (3)

Posted by Pasindu If you are a regular Windows 7 sticky notes user, you might find these tips, tricks to use, format, backup and restore handy.

Once its running and you start making notes, you can use the following keyboard keys to format its text:
Select the text where required, and then press the desired keys:

Bold: Ctrl+BItalics: Ctrl+IUnderline: Ctrl+UStrikethrough: Ctrl+TBullet list: Ctrl+Shift+LIncrease size of text: Ctrl+Shift+>Decrease size of text: Ctrl+Shift+Backup and Restore Sticky Notes.You can backup the Windows 7 Sticky Notes by backing up this file to another location : 
C:\Users\ACK\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt 
You may have to show hidden/system files via the Folder Options. To restore it, delete the sticky notes from your desktop and copy paste the backed up one into the folder
C:\Users\ACK\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes

Windows Shortcut Keys

Friday, November 18, 2011 | comments (12)

  Mastering the keyboard will not only increase your navigation speed but it can also help with wrist fatigue. Here are some lesser known Windows shortcuts to help you become a keyboard ninja. Win + Tab beautiful tab explorer Win+1, 2, 3, 4, etc. will launch each program in your taskbar. It is helpful then to keep your most used programs at the beginning of your task bar so you can open them one right after another. This also works in Windows Vista for the quick launch icons. Win+Alt+1, 2, 3, etc. will open the jump list for each program in the taskbar. You can then use your arrows to select which jump list option you want to open. Ctrl+Shift+Esc will open the task manager without needing to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del first. Win+T will cycle through taskbar programs. This is similar to just hovering over the item with your mouse but you can launch the program with Space or Enter.Ctrl+Shift+N creates a new folder in your current directory.Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab move though tabs of the web browser F2 renames a file or folder.Win+B selects the system tray which isn’t always useful but can come in very handy if your mouse stops working. F3 will open explorer and select the search bar. If you already have an explorer window open it will highlight the search bar. In some programs it will also open the search dialog to search within that program.Win+Up/Down maximizes and restores down the current window so long as that window has the option to be maximized. It is exactly the same as clicking on the middle button on your windows.Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys change the direction of the screen.Win + Arrow Keys put the current window maximized or to a sideFor more shortcuts

Watch Online Videos with Subtitles

Sunday, November 6, 2011 | comments (39)


Most of you download movies just to play it with subtitles. Now it is time to watch online streaming videos with custom subtitles online.

I was a huge fan TV series and movies but due to limited space available on the hard disk and of cause no need to care about the post issues (If you know what I meanWinking smile) I choose to watch movies and TV series online (Mostly TV series). But the main problem was I could not find a way to play them with subtitles. 
So I write an Firefox add-on which will do the trick find the video file from those sites and then a site which can play videos when the video and the subtitle is given. (Of cause separately)

Where to Find online Video 

This is the easiest part I guess. If you are reading this post to find good Online Video Streaming Site, you better stop and Google it. Open-mouthed smile Since you are still reading I will give you some sites.

How to Find the URL

There are different methods you can follow. If you have any media catching add-on such as Download Accelerator, Youtube Downloader, Get them All … You can simply go to the streaming site and download the video and there you can get the link to the video file. (In most cases you can right click the downloading item and get the actual path)
To make your life easy, You can use my add-on. Sarcastic smile It will grab the video and direct you to the site with the video. So you only need to give the subtitle file.

How to Find Subtitles

Well again this is also a simple Google search. For better results search in the following form

{Film Name} {Language} Subtitles

Film Name should be replaced with the actual film name
Language should be two letter word like EN for English. But you can even search with English as a hole too
“Subtitles” keep this to let the Google know that you are searching subtitlesSmile with tongue out

How to get all those into one place(Watch movie with subtitles)

If you have the add-on you do not need to go anywhere just go the site and it will take you to the player. You can then submit the URL and it will play video with subtitles.
If you are more advanced user(for the sake of argumentPointing up), You need to go to
and give the URL to the file with the subtitles and you can watch it there.
Let me know your experience with these tools. Cheers!!
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